Thursday, April 29, 2010


That's all I can say, man. Had a great drug/alcohol support meeting downtown Seattle this morning. God moved. I'm going to try to make that meeting every Thurs morning. Even after all these years I still need the support. I can drop some stuff, which helps, and I can listen too, which helps others as well.

I'm doing ok with my pain today. Not too bad. I hope to get into the studio tonight. Lots of music going 'round and 'round in my head. Got to get it in the system. Ericka's been waiting patiently for a tune to work on. So she's up next. Her voice has gotten better with age. She thinks, or acts like an old lady anyway. She'd trip if she knew I said that. :) :0)

Cancer ......................................... what can I say. Docs tell me I still have it. Most times I don't know how to think of my condition. No one has told me I only have so long to live, like some of the people in my cancer group. They've just said to live life to the fullest. Got to learn how to do that. Another process to grasp. But in Christ I really believe I can do it. I'm retired, so go fishing. Ya know? Hard to do, but not impossible. I have to watch how I feel throughout the week, but lately I've been having stretches of time where I can cope with my pain or sluggish state inorder to things done. Yea, I feel like making some simple tracks tonight. Try a couple of things and see how it sounds. That would make my week a good week. Must produce to feel like I do have a normal life. There's stuff I just can't do anymore, but there's so much that I'm able to do. Get to it Big Fred. :) As soon as my wife gets home from work, I'll jump right to it. She loves it when I'm playing my guitar. Joy

Freddy Bobo

The love of God!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Still In The Groove

What a blessed day! It's been a few days since I've blogged, the computer I usually use for the net is in the shop again. Viruses. Goodness! I just got it out about a week ago. So I've already deleted some infected websites, that I know are infected.

Found out about a week ago that I've got RA. Strange, because my blood tests didn't show it. But the RA doc did do some other in office tests that confirmed my pain the past 2 months or more is a result of RA. So I'm taking another medication, non-narcotic, to help arrest the pain. But I went to another one of my doctors today and she stated that some of my pain could be from another medication I take for little trimors I get from time to time. So I stopped that med to see if it would help stop some of the pain. If so, than I won't take it anymore. It'll take about 3 weeks to see how I do. I may end up taking something different for the trimors.

Haven't done a lot of music the past week, but I've got a few things in the can that need developing. There's always something buzzing around in my head that I nedd to workout. So get to it Fred! :) :) My lil' music room is coming along, really slow. I have so much stuff that needs to be fit into the room with a lil' more planning. Where will I put this, should I keep that? Some stuff honestly probably needs to go. But it's so hard to let it go. Though I know I can only use so much at one time. But I've enough to set-up sub workstations. That way I could teach Ericka or my grandson Jalen, how to record ideas they may get. Diana and Jerrold always talk about learning to use the gear. It's pretty easy to do, really. Just takes a little time. Diana and I have to
workout what we're going to sing next month. Maybe I'll something ready for Ericka to sing by then. That would be special, now wouldn't it?

Got to get with my wife for some quiet time tonight. Praise God!

God bless,


Friday, April 23, 2010

Off And Running

"it's early in the morning, and I ain't got paid, so I fell to my knees and began to pray". Too much time on my hands? Just doin' what I do, everything's a song. Will the Lord give me a good tune today? He will if I'm listening.

What do you do for folks that want to stay sick, or out of sink with God? I sat in a drug/alcohol recovery meeting yesterday, and it brought back early memories of my attempts to get clean and sober. Half hearted commitment, off balance rationaltions that even other additics find hard to make sense of. I sat and listened to what poeople had to say about hanging around old friends that are still drinking and using. About how that was good for thier recovery. Then gentily I shared my own story of years of failed attempts at recovery becuase I thought I could do the same things, same behaviors I did when I was activily using, and then stop using. Soon I'd be right back to using and in a bigger mess. I couldn't just tell someone new in recovery that what they were doing would fail, could even kill them. They'd get defensive, so I used myself as an example. Some of the people in the meeting aren't new, they've been doing the same dance for years, lying to themselves about how things are going to change, all the time they couldn't wait to get that next hit or drink. I let them know how important it is to change everything, people, places and things. Some are ready some aren't. The truth is, it's not that they can't quit, most times it's that they don't want to. Using drugs is illegal, it's a choice. Drinking isn't illegal if done at a legal age and in moderation, though using drugs /drink to excess is a sin. When the health community speaks of drug/alcolhol addcition being a disease it's as if they dissmiss the additics responsibility for the affliction. Addiction starts as a choice, which in God's eyes that choice is a sin. You explain that to some and they begin to deny the sin and the responsibility for where thier choice has lead them, to ruin. Pride and ego can really get in the way of one turning thier life around. It's hard to get a person in such a position to give thier unbelief over to God. They've trusted in the drugs/alcohol and that lifestyle for so long that they're afraid they won't have anything to lean on. Even though that lifestyle has brought them and thier family down, they feel like they'll have nothing else to lean on,to trust. Over time they've lost all their clean and sober friends and support. When you try to leave the lifestyle that's killing you it can be a pretty lonely place to be in. I had to swallow my pride and addmit that I was powerless over sin and needed the help of God and His people. Took time, it took geting honest. I had to regain the trust of my family. They never stopped loving me, but until I could get honest with myself and others, I really had no chance of being freed. Wow! That's just a little of what the Lord gave me through that meeting yesterday. Then just unfolded some of it today as I shared on the blog.

What are your thoughts?

Love you,.................... really , love with the love of the Lord,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Life Groove?

It's my testimony that the Lord has given me new life throughout my life. Even before I was saved I believe God had His hand on me through many, many trials. I used to think that God saving me from drug & alcolhol addiction was the biggest mirical of my life. But three years ago when the doctors told me I had brain cancer, at first I really didn't give it much thought. I just believed that God was going to bring me through. I kept looking for feelings of hopelessness and despair, but I never felt any of that. Even now I feel confidience that the Lord is going to use this moment in my life to bless so many, begining with my family. You know what it's like to have relatives, close relatives that are still on the fence about committing to Christ. But even after they've watched God deliver you from certan death, they still want to do things thier way expecting that things canewill change, or get better. There nothing that conpares to the deliverence of Jesus! But I guess it takes what it takes.

So in spite of the cancer I believe that once again God has come through for me with new life. Another chance to praise Him with all I have. The grove is geting in pocket, or sink, with God. That comes from being, living in and through His word. When you're in sink things go along at a steady clip. Even with bumps, big or small, the winds of the world, changes and storms, God is right there to bring you through anything. When you're in the grove with God you're under His protection and guidence. New life groove, a fresh start within God's protection and all the benefits that afords. There are so many opprotunities within a solid relationship with God. I plan to take advantage of all I can in Him. It's exciting just thinking about it.

Every morning is new, and life can only be found in Christ. Get in His groove.



Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great Sunday

Yes, it's a great Sunday. Around 4 pm just finished a wonderful dinner, thank you Diana, now I'm ready for a nap. Had a rough morning, but in Christ I made it through. Didn't play in praise team band, but priase and worship was uplifting. We went right form P/W to some powerful prayer. I didn't walk up, but I felt like God had His hand on me throughout the whole process. I plan on playing guitar next week, after rehearsal on Thurs night.

Yea, this week should be a good week for doing some music. Iggy is supposed to come by tomorow night to work on some tracks. Anothr partner, Bleu is also supposed to get with me too. He's a musician from why back that I played with abou five or six years ago. To tell the truth, I'm really not short on projects. One session at a time, and they'll get done.

I've got two groups a week now that are helpful to my support with my drug and alcohol recovery and my sickness with cancer. Tues and Thurs I'm commited, and I think that fills my week out just right. The other days I can spend working on music and I really need to spend more time in the word of God. That would go far in my healing, physically and spiritually.

I'm excited about next week. Thank you Lord for the inspriation.

Bless you,


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Going Ahead

Today at Mat Talbot Center there was a comencement for memebers of the centers drug/alcohol recovery program. Three men were honored for completing phases of the program. It's good to see men and women make stridws in thier recovery. Many of the articapents come right from the streets, from homelessness. Matt Talbot is just one program in the city that works with patients with an outpatient method. For some it can be hard because there is so much temptation on the streets between the center and thier housing. Also, many of the services they for other issues they are dealing are in the downtown area as well. Sometimes it's a lot to wade through when going from one end of town to the other. That's where strong faith in God can pull one through. And even thought it only takes a small amount of faith to access the power of God, it can be hard to work up to even the smallest bit of faith when you've lived one failure after another. When one can accept that the fight is God's and his/hers, we can stand aside and allow the Lord to move as He can, in victory. And there are so many who have come through the Matt Talbot programs and have stayed clean and sober for years, walking in victroy to victory! Matt Talbot has been doing this for 25 years. Amen!

The Lord has been allowing people from my past to show up in my life lately. Some are people who had gone through drug/alcohol treatment in one of my programs. Some are still clean and sober and some are still struggling finding it harder to get out of the grip of addiction, the grip of sin. That's the real illness, sin. Is it really the dope, the drink that hooks one, or is it fleeting joy of sinning? So many continue to do the same behaviors lying to themselves that things will be different, all the time knowing what's coming. Failure, pain and disapointment. The people that are still clean and sober are a real blessing, reassuring me that recovery in Christ is still the number one method to bliss. There are some who are musicians and ready to get some project done. Be listening for that, I promise it'll be a treat.

It's late now for a young man like myself ( 11:30 pm ) so I'll be going to pray and then to bed.

Night, night all,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Humpty Hump

Middle of the week already. Had a pretty good day. Sat in on a recovery meeting at Matt Talbot this morning. We talked about the fight to stay clean and sober from drugs and alcohol. I shared a little bit about my 23 year struggle using drugs. Everyone has a story about using, breaking the law and being unable to quit on thier own. But the highlight of my testimony is how Christ brought me out. I praise the Lord for a chance to speak on His power to overcome. Even addiction, any type of addiction. Being downtown helps me remember where He brought me from, all that it took. Priase God, 18 years clean and sober and still recovering. Always getting better. There's always room to improve. So I like to tell people that it's an on going work, and that's not a bad thing. I spoke to them jjust a little bit anout being blessed with soberity then being told you have cancer. I'm sure some of them find it hard to understand how I'd still count myself blessed. I can't even explain it, but the Lord has given me peace about my condition. So I spend less time tripping and more time giving Him praise. He's given me that.

All praises to Him!


Victory Is Mine!

7 am and I feel the best I have in months. Even my pain can't keep me down. Read a little word going to excerise get dressed and shoot down town for a drug/alcohol meeting at the Matt Talbot center.

I'm slowly getting my studio fixed up, but I'm running out of room to put things. So now i have to really put some thought into how to best use the space. It may take me a few arrangements to get it right. But I know I get more excited everyday, just thinking about the tunes that are going to be developed in that little room.

I really think I'm still adjusting to not being able to work, and do for myself like in the recent past. My relationship with Diana and Ericka was much different 3 yrs ago. Ericka and I could just get in the car and go get a slurpee, drive to the beach and kick it. Not anymore. That affects both of us. We try to make the best of it but it's not the same. So I think, am I whole? What does that mean? I can tell myself that sure you're whole Fred, but I don't move like I am. my preciption needs re-tooling. Being whole in Christ is different then being whole in my physical body or mental state. I'm working at it, but I don't have a blue print. Don't know if I'd follow it if I had one. Ha, ha, ha ! I do know I need to take this a step at a time........a step at a time.

Be blessed toady folks,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here We Go Again

Just kidding :) :) it's started out to be another blessed day! I feel like I was able to get going pretty early this morning

Last evening I had to take my mom to ER, after she had been feeling flu like symptoms the past couple of days. Turns out she needed to get her fulids up. So she went home last night and is doing well. Mom has hd illneses in the past when my sisters, brother and were young but hardly anything since we've been grown. So it can be kind of scary when your mom calls and needs you to take her to the hospital. But she's in such great health that I didn't expect to get that call. She had plenty of prayers going up for her. I'll check on her later today.

Friend of mine Iggy, stopped by last night to do some recording. Of all times I couldn't get my one system to record like I usually do so I got stuck trying to figure it out when I had other methods of capturing the tracks. Iggy sounds like he's got a cool ear, and good ideas dealing with the music. So I look forward to working with him. So today after my cancer group I plan to get in the sudio and get my music jumpin'. Oh yea, I'm feelng the Lord bringin' it to me. I've recorded a lot of little pieces, ideas and saved them in a folder to work with them later. Can't wait to see what Diana and Ericka sound like singing on these tracks.

Another friend of mine, Culpepper, an accomplished multi-instrument musician I've know for many years, is scheduled start working out his ideas this week. Culpeper writes his own music and is good at arranging and painting cool pictures with the tones of the instrumentation. I'm looking forward to what types of sounds he'll create. I recorded him about 8 years ago, and I've got the sessions saved somewhere. I need to dig those out so we can compare them. So much to do, where to start?

Nuf for now,



Monday, April 12, 2010

Life Is Still Good

What a day what a day! Great start this morning, prayer, breakfast, excerises, and walked the mall. Now I'm ready to have some lunch and then going into the studio and work on some music.

The Lord has blessed me so much in spite of my afliction. I can still so much each day he gives me. Like this morning as I prayed I would be distracted form the pain I'm suffering in my body, which makes it easier to overcome my condition and move ahead with my day. So I keep on pressin' on and I'm encouraged every step of the way. I like going to the mall thru part of my walk I'll sit down and just relax. I can drink some coffee or one of the drinks I bring along. During my sitting time I'm able to people watch. That's the most fun, especially the little kids. It's funny to see the kids work their parents. The grandparents are the funniest. They have trouble keepng up with the little ones who want to run all over the place. Sometimes the kids will stop walking. They want to be carried or sit in the stroller. Parents will try to get them to walk and the kids will just shut down, like thier legs don't work anymore. The parent will end up dragging the kid by the arm across the floor, 'cuase thier little legs don't work anymore. Sometimes you can hear kids crying and screaming from one end of the mall until it's right on top of you. That's don't so much fun, but kids will be kids.

I used to go to the Renton airport after the mall to watch the airplanes come and go, when the weather was beter. Should be able to get back to that soon. I don't know why but I still am facinated by planes. Thes plaanes usually the small ones, though they work on a few jets. But I've never seen them come in or fly out. Now I need to find a place where I can watch race cars. Or maybe go to the dome when the big four wheelers roll all over each other. Again, I don't know why I like that kind of stuff.

Kick back some talk when you get a chance. Just click comments and speak your heart.

God bless,


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Bliss

Yes, after a ruff morning, physically, I'm having a much better evening. Didin't make it to church but Diana and I are going to the Community Impact Family meeting tonight. Our church family at ECBF breaks into group 2 Sundays out of the month at a couple families homes. It's a real blessing becuase we look deeper into the word that was preached that Sunday morning service breaking smaller groups, men and women, one person might give there testimony and then we eat until we're about blind. :) :O :) lots of fun.

The sun was out all day, and though I didn't go out in it, the Lord let me enjoy from inside the house where it was warm. Well my wife is tuging at my coat to get on the road, so I'll close right now and hopefully pick-up later this evening.

LOve to ya'll


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Living & Lovin' Life

Yes, life pretty good now a days. Spent most of today with Ericka. I even plaed Mario on the Wii. What fun driving off the road and bumping into stuff. It's only 8 pm, so I stil have time to do a little music. Don't know if I'll get to it though. It would be nice to spend a little special time with Diana. She had asked out for a date tonight, to see a movie. But we had a wedding we wer supposed to go to. But didn't make it. My hairdresser hasn't shown up yet :) :0 :)

I've been struggling a little today, thinking too much I guess. Gotta get a grip on that, 'cuase it stops me from progressing. The Lord has blessed with talents, and I need to honor Him by using them, getting better at them. My lovily bwife is really talented too. I try to encourage her to write more. She writes stories, poems, song lyrics you name it. The Lor has blessed us to write many songs together, and I look forward to what He's going to give us in the future. I hope to do work with Ericka too. Before my illnes we'd get out the guitar and she'd get in front of the mic and we'd just have a good time into the night. That's how spent our time when her mom had o go out of town. Diana would come home and we'd have a brand new song in the can. She's getting odler so I need to get her recorded before she's off to college. Wow! Just the thought of it is scary. :)

I'll check ya'll out as the new week is upon us

God bless

Freddy Bobo

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Blessed Day

Yes, He's done it again. The Lord has given me another blessed day. It's about 8:20 pm right now and Diana is at her arts and craft class, so Ericka and I here just chillin' look out for one another. So that means I can't sneak any candy and stuff :) :). So I'll be good and watch a movie with my baby. Oh yea!

There's lots of music floating around in my head. But it can be a struggle get to my guitar or my workstation. Today I felt so sluggish, and then it seemed as though my body pain was extra painful. Doctors still can't figure out what to do. But they tell me to keep pushing through, doing things that bring me joy, like my music. So I have a simple plan for tomorrow, Saturday, to play a little guitar at first, and then record some guitar to the workstation to save any new ideas. A song for Ericka is up next, and I feel like I'm almost there. I've got some things for her to try. Of course Dian's always willing to try something new, so she's in the wings ready to do her thing.

Next week I'm going to start volunteering at Matt Talbot, downtown, doing a drug/alcohol recovery group. That ought to be a fun adventure. I haven't done anything like that in 3-yrs., but I'll just relax and let the Holy Spirit do it's thing through me hoping that everyone, inculding me, will be blessed. It's an honor to be asked to do a group. I wondered if I'd ever do anything like that again. To give of my time and experience is the least I can do for the Lord.

Hey, I got one thing done this past week on my honey do list. A brother from the church came over and did some painting for us. A few walls needed painting after having some work done in the past. Took me a while but it was taken care of. I really can't take much credit 'cause Diana I think talked to the brother first :) :) but I did have to follow through. There it is. On to the next project.

Real sore so got ta go.
Love ya'll

God bless,
