Sunday, May 2, 2010

New, New Life

RA, is no fun, for real! Pain is a pain. Can you feel me? Somebody give me an amen! We will now have a selection from the choir. :) No, I won't preach that one tonight. Had sort of a hard morning, strugglin!g with low blood sugar and pain throughout my body. But with prayer and the Lord's encouragement I got out of bed and did what I needed to do to get ready to go get under the Word. To help me feel better I wore a nice suit, by FUBU, black with cuffs in the pant legs. Are you getting the vision? :) Diana and I were color cordinated, she wore a lovely black blouse and black slacks. Is that TMI (too much information)? You can tell, I'm feeling much better now!

I even played guitar with the praise team. Praise and worship was a real God thing this morning. The Lord moved through the Holy Spirit, and the team was able to usher in the Spirit to move the service to a higher level. It really helped me come around so I was feeling better as the service moved on. Diana sang this morning too, I love watching and listening to her sing. I even had to give her a little wink during the service. Is it alright for me to flirt with my wife? During service even? I think so! It makes for an exciting time, in the Lord. Yea, in the Lord! She's my wife, man!

I'm looking forward to what the Lord has in store for me this week. Last Friday I mixed a few tracks of music, and that was theraputic. So I'm hopoefully on track to keep a roll going next week so I can get some new music done. It helped too, that I got back into my bible devotion last week. I'll need to stay in that groove, because I will hinder my communion with God if I don't. I can't listen to Him if I don't commune with Him.

Stay in His groove, amen?


1 comment:

  1. I love that you and Diana were color coordinated! That is awesome. I love reading about your relationship with her, what true companionship looks like.

    Blessings to you this week, Frederick.

