Sunday, October 31, 2010

What A Day To Preach The Word

"How Do I live With Cancer?" That's the question I'm asked the most. We celebrated cancer awareness today at my church ECBF this morning. Different people in the congregation spoke about how they've dealt with family members having cancer. The one that brought tears to my eyes was my daughter Ericka. She spoke a little of the fun we had before the doctors found that I have a cancerous tumor on my brain. After that she was afraid to visit me at the hospital because she didn't want to see me in that condition. Then she broke down in tears and couldn't finish reading what she had written.

My message had to do with 1Pe 2:25 my healing is in Christ Jesus. I'm healed by His wounds. Then I spoke on what God revealed to me after I found out I had cancer. He showed me that I wasn't the best husband I could be. That as it says in Eph 5:25 I wasn't loving my wife as Christ loves the church. Which meant to put her interests before my own. I went on to explain the type of woman the Lord had blessed me with in Diana. A Prov 31;10 woman, a virtuous woman, and in order to keep and please that type of woman men need to be Eph 5:25 men. Putting their wives before themselves. I went on to say that these are the things that concern me the most, not my cancer. God has that under control, and has directed me to handle the affairs of my marriage so that all will fall into place. One day I'll get to the rest of the message. Woman have responsibility in all of this too. If the husbands can get in line with our responsibilities it'll make it easier for sistas to except 1Pe chapter 3. Wives submit to your husbands. Man and wife both have work to do. In doing those assignments it's easier to be as one in Christ.



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