Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Groove Continues

Oh yea, the beat goes on! In the studio this week making new music. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him.! It seems like for ever since I cut a tune, but once I get going it's hard to stop. I've got to get some melodies worked out now. I know Diana and Ericka are ready to do some vocals. I've got to get back in sink, and get it swinging again.

I've been struggling a little with a little depression. Not real bad, but enough to impead my moving forward sometimes with projects and such. I talked a little bit about it at my cancer group. Which was helpful to me. I'm not as down as I could be, just tired of cancer at this point. Ya know? But no doctors have told me I only have so long to live, just to live life at the fullest. So I need to get a grip! Sometimes you have to pull yourself up. Now I should be able to get on wit it!

I have so much to do and so little time. Just kidding, I just need to learn how to better use my time. Maybe I should plan every Sunday how I could spread out my projects throughout the week. Sounds good, but will I do it? One day at a time, moment by moment. Teach me Lord how to be a better listener of your word, I know there, is Your instruction for my daily walk. That and more time spent in prayer. I feel like now is a great time to start studying my devotion verses and composing sermons to be more prepared for future talks and the like. Even that process would bless my spirit and my life in general. Well, pray for me, and I'll pray for ya'll. Cover my support Lord.



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