Monday, July 26, 2010

Two & Four

If you're a drummer you most likely know what that means. I've been thinking lately, what time signature is life in? If it 4/4 two four would mean hit the second and fourth beats. Keep that pattern, lock it up and you've got a smooth kind of groove. Not a New Life Groove, but a groove just the same. So you're thinking what would make a New Life Groove? Then again, I might be all by myself, the only one who's giving it any thought. Anytime you realize that the Lord has brought you from a mighty long way, any beat you can get a hold of is like a new thing, and all good things are of God.
When I was strung out on drugs and alcohol for 23 yrs. I didn't think I'd ever get out of it, get another chance. Put the Lord brought me out, and showed me something new. I had stopped playing music, writing or creating anything of use. When I picked up my bible after years of spiritual starvation the Lord revealed wonderful truths in His word. One of the lovely truths was that He would restore me, and He did beyond what I could ever imagine. Blessed me with reconciliation to my family, gave me a lovely wife (and step son, son) and daughter and restored my relationship with my first born son. This July 9th I celebrated 19 yrs. clean and sober, all due to the Lord Jesus. Two and four,I've got to keep that beat and stay in the pocket, His way, that's the pocket or covering that will keep me. He's given me a new life, New Life Groove.

Nuff said.

Bless ya'll.

Hit me up and let me know what it's 'bout,


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